Using smartphones to better understand homelessness

Jan 24, 2019
In Southern California, where homelessness is high, a new app gets better data.
A woman pushes her walker past tents housing the homeless in Los Angeles, California.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images

Will techlash show up at the CES trade show?

Jan 4, 2019
Privacy features could take center stage at this year's show.
Sony's artificial intelligence-capable Aibo robot is on display at a 2018 CES press event in Las Vegas.
David McNew/AFP/Getty Images

The partial shutdown could delay economic data, too

Dec 26, 2018
We’re now five days into the partial government shutdown. While the Senate is expected to reconvene Thursday and resume negotiations over how to end the shutdown, odds are that it’ll continue into January. The impasse is already cutting into the supply of something that is essential to just about every market out there: federal economic data. […]
The sun begins to rise over Washington as the federal government is in a partial shutdown, on Dec. 23, 2018 in Washington, DC. 
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Google’s CEO could face tough questions on Capitol Hill about the company's data practices

Dec 11, 2018
Privacy, money and data promise to all be topics of discussion.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai delivers the keynote address at the Google I/O 2018 Conference at Shoreline Amphitheater on May 8, 2018 in Mountain View, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Palantir may go public, but can it turn a profit?

Nov 16, 2018
The surveillance software giant may be preparing for an IPO amid concerns about its business.
Peter Thiel is the co-founder of Palantir, named for a crystal ball in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Apple CEO Tim Cook asks federal regulators to bring it on

Nov 1, 2018
At an industry conference in Europe, Cook called for tougher regulations to protect data privacy

Is the Google Plus data breach a threat to Google's business?

Oct 9, 2018
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has announced new privacy measures that include shutting down its social network Google Plus. The decision comes after news this week that Google exposed the private data of hundreds of thousands of Google Plus users. We’re talking full names, email addresses, birth dates, profile photos and more. Google opted not to […]

For public good, not for profit.

Why the Facebook breach isn't just about Facebook

Oct 5, 2018
At least 50 million users had their accounts compromised in the breach.

Would you leave Facebook if you could take all your friends and photos with you?

Sep 27, 2018
Tech companies are trying to figure out how to make it easier to move your data.

What else can Big Data do? Pick stocks.

Sep 21, 2018
Credit card swipes, satellite data, media subscriptions ... all kinds of information fuels data-driven investing.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images