This election? James Carville says it's all about the middle class

Jul 12, 2012
Liberal pundit James Carville explains why class matters in this year's presidential election in his new book, ''It's the Middle Class, Stupid!''

What is the cost of a House vote?

Jul 11, 2012
Congress votes on repealing Obamacare for the 33rd time. Are symbolic votes worth the cost to taxpayers?

Economy affects politicians of both parties

Mar 7, 2012
The exit polls coming out of Super Tuesday primaries show Republican voters are focused on the economy -- even as their candidates sparred over everything from contraception to higher education.

Mid-day Extra: Are brands politically neutral?

Nov 9, 2011
As Election Day results come pouring in, we look at one study that shows how Republicans and Democrats differ in their brand preferences.

On green one-upmanship at the DNC and RNC

Aug 27, 2008
Both the Democrats and Republicans appear to be scrambling in a game of one-upmanship to host "the greenest national convention ever." While that...