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Why D.C. is up in arms about derivatives ... again

Dec 11, 2014
On the spending bill chopping block: A section of the Dodd-Frank Regulatory Reform bill. So what does it do exactly?

IntercontinentalExchange to buy the NYSE

Dec 20, 2012
There’s news that the New York Stock Exchange might be acquired for $8 billion by the Atlanta-based upstart IntercontinentalExchange.

Betting on stormy weather

Oct 29, 2012
Weather derivatives allow companies to hedge against catastrophic losses.

Regulators to define 'swap' under Dodd-Frank Act

Jul 10, 2012
Today, federal regulators are going to define the word "swap," -- and that seemingly simple act will set in motion a series of new regulations that are part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

Someday, and That Day May Never Come...

Sep 28, 2011
We came up with a lot of possibilities when we were trying to think of a good metaphor to explain a derivatives clearinghouse....

Derivatives: An explanation

Oct 15, 2009
Credit default swaps? They're complicated -- and scary! The receipt you get when you pre-order your Thanksgiving turkey? Not so much. But they have a lot in common: They're both derivatives. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains.
Whiteboard Derivatives