Earnings check in: The health of corporate America

Apr 9, 2013
Juli Niemann, analyst with Smith, Moore & Company, joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the latest earnings reports and what they signal about the economy.

A check in on corporate America

Apr 8, 2013
Corporate earnings season kicks off today with a report from the aluminum maker Alcoa. Analysts will be watching closely for signs of how the U.S. and global economy is faring.

Will company profits reflect stock market records?

Apr 8, 2013
First quarter earnings come out as the stock markets hit all-time highs. But investors could be more interested in what happens the rest of the year.

eBay gets boost from mobile bidders

Jan 16, 2013
eBay reports fourth-quarter earnings amid high expectations, as tablet and smartphone user bid up business on the online auction site.

JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs see earnings soar

Jan 16, 2013
Many of Wall Street's biggest banks are beating profit expectations as the mortgage business comes back.

Wells Fargo leads bank earnings, recovery

Jan 11, 2013
Investors have high expectations for Wells Fargo -- the first big bank to report fourth-quarter results -- after turning in nearly three years of solid earnings.

End of the year earnings: Has the buck finally stopped?

Jan 8, 2013
Corporate earnings season is here again. The first reports arrive today, starting with the aluminum company Alcoa. Analysts are bracing for a slew of lackluster numbers.

For public good, not for profit.

After fiscal deal, markets settle into new reality

Jan 7, 2013
Immediately following the fiscal agreement, U.S. stocks had their best week in more than a year last week, but will the optimism last?

Facebook employees poised to cash in

Oct 23, 2012
Restrictions on the sale of Facebook stock by the social media firm's employees end this week, meaning many of them will be millionaires, not just millionaires "on paper." But the sale will likely drive the stock price down.

Weak ad revenue pulls Google down

Oct 19, 2012
Yesterday Google accidentally fired off its earnings announcement three hours ahead of schedule and profits fell quite short of expectations.