Europe debt crisis hits aluminum maker Alcoa

Jan 10, 2012
Alcoa, one of the world's largest aluminum producers, announced its first quarterly loss since 2009 -- and it says the European debt crisis is to blame.

Alcoa posts first quarterly loss since 2009

Jan 10, 2012
One of the world's largest aluminum producers, Alcoa, announced its first quarterly loss since 2009, blaming problems on the European debt crisis.

As earnings season begins, fears of euro debt crisis

Jan 10, 2012
Alcoa, a major aluminum producer, kicked off earnings season on a dull note. Will other American companies be affected by the ongoing problems in Europe?

Will the U.S. lead the economic recovery?

Jan 9, 2012
With ongoing troubles in Europe and an obvious slow down in many Asian economies, it looks as though America might be the bright spot in the global economy.

Recession meanz Heinz

Nov 18, 2011
Squeezed by rising commodities prices and falling demand in the U.S., Heinz is responding by appealing to cost-conscious consumers
H.J. Heinz Co. products are displayed at a grocery store June 12, 2003 in Chicago, Ill
Scott Olson/Getty Images

What's the BP quarterly report look like?

Jul 27, 2010
Easy Answer: BP says the spill will cost it $32 billion and CEO Tony Hayward is out October 1....

MIDDAY UPDATE: Oil feels so good when it stops

Jul 16, 2010
/**/ How do they decide how much of BP's oil spilled? Our reporter goes to NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab to find out. Big companies say they earn...

For public good, not for profit.


Feb 10, 2009
As markets have deteriorated, "write-downs" have figured prominently in more and more corporate reports. What are write-downs all about? Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains.
Whiteboard Wriite-downs