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There's lots of chatter about a recession. What do the indicators say?

Mar 18, 2025
The hard data still points to a strong economy. But "soft" data — like consumer confidence readings — paints a different picture.
At this point, the standard indicators haven't revealed an economic contraction, but the stock market declines have hurt and consumer optimism has waned.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

Will there be a recession, and if so, when? It depends on which economist you ask.

Feb 27, 2023
The latest outlook from the National Association for Business Economics offers mixed forecasts.
Unsure about the future of the economy? You're not alone.
Johannes Eisele/AFP via Getty Images

"Open by Easter"? A closer look at the U.S. economy's timeline

Mar 25, 2020
Relaxing restrictions might make the economic contraction less severe, but not by much, economists say. And we'd see an escalation in infections.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Is recession talk a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Listeners share their thoughts on hearing the word “recession” lately.
Would this be your face if another recession hit? It was for a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on October 7, 2008 when the Dow continued to fall, closing more than 500 points down.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

How will we know we're in a recession?

What the National Bureau of Economic Research looks for when analyzing the business cycle.
In this photo illustration, a man looks at a graph representing the 12-month decline of the FTSE 100 share index on Oct. 7, 2008, in London.
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

No, the economy is not like a roller coaster

Aug 26, 2015
Comedian and Buzzfeed writer Sam Weiner on stopping the simile in its tracks.

For pop music, it's the economy, stupid!

Sep 25, 2012
How the economy influences our taste in pop music. Hint: Ballads aren't big in recessions.
A herd of headphones proceeds down an escalator in California.
m a r i s a/Flickr

For public good, not for profit.

MIDDAY UPDATE: Tax cut deal reached, Citigroup

Dec 7, 2010
President Obama and Congress have reached a truce. Obama agreed to keep the Bush-era tax rates the same for all Americans for two years, and in...

Economic downturn to bring change, not collapse to green sector

Oct 9, 2008
The economy is in bad shape, and green businesses will definitely feel it in the months ahead. But firms that deliver great products at competitive...