At the New Bretton Woods, Sustainability is Inheritance

Apr 10, 2011
At a new Bretton Woods conference in New Hampshire, I came across a new definition of sustainability. Typically the term sustainability is unders...

Bretton Woods Examines Global Financial Policy

Apr 8, 2011
After World War II, Bretton Woods, NH hosted that era's top economists, who hoped to rebuild a world financial system in tatters. Now, Bretton...

A Bretton Woods Conference for the Economy of the Future

Apr 8, 2011
For the next three days, David Brancaccio and I are in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire with some high IQ folks who are looking at ways to make the...

Too Big To Fail is Too Hard To Resist

Apr 5, 2011
HBO has just released a preview for Too Big To Fail, a film based on the Andrew Ross Sorkin book of (of course) the same name....

Survey: What Makes the British Happy?

Apr 5, 2011
Measuring happiness is no longer just for Bhutan; The United Kingdom is developing measures of "national well-being," and they're just finishing ...

Accounting for Happiness

Apr 5, 2011
A survey on social "well-being" will give economists -- and voters -- a new tool for judging their leaders. The British government wants to compile...

Boredom: Looking Beyond GDP

Apr 1, 2011
France is the latest country to move beyond Gross Domestic Product to measure economic success. And unlike many countries these days, the Frenchare...

For public good, not for profit.

The Fuzzy Future of Post-Fannie-Freddie Homeownership

Mar 31, 2011
If you're thinking about buying a house, thank the U.S. government in advance. They guarantee more than 96% of new mortgages -- a guarantee that ...

Financial Reform: A Mortgage Game-changer

Mar 31, 2011
The Dodd-Frank law is having a big effect on the mortgage market, namely in the future fate of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....

The Middle of America, On the Move Again

Mar 24, 2011
The mean center of population distribution changes every time the census data is recorded, and it looks to have moved from the past decade....