This smart grid can save power -- and lives

Jul 11, 2013
The U.S. power grid needs upgrading to manage all the stresses on it. The Army is testing a much smaller grid that cut fuel use in half, saving soldiers' lives.

Jamaican power company reacts to electricity theft

Apr 4, 2013
Power costs in Jamaica are among the highest in the Caribbean. Many poor people have devised ways to get their supply free and illegally. Now the utility company is cracking down on this theft.

Would you like some salt with your batteries?

Apr 4, 2013
A promising new technology aims to store electricity for the power grid on the cheap.

Sandy outages may help rethink power grid

Nov 13, 2012
Long-term power outages in the wake of Sandy have led many experts to scrutinize the power delivery infrastructure and look at how it could be strengthened.

Governor Cuomo threatens to switch NY utilities

Nov 6, 2012
A week after Superstorm Sandy hit the Northeast, more than a million people are still without power. New York Governor Cuomo is threatening to find other utilities if electric companies like ConEd and LIPA don’t perform.

Lower Manhattan flickers back to life

Oct 31, 2012
Despite the loss of power in lower Manhattan, Wall Street and some nearby businesses reopen. But downtown is dead compared to midtown.

For public good, not for profit.

More than flipping a switch: Power companies fight outages

Oct 31, 2012
Electricity is coming back for those who lost power because of Sandy. Two days after the storm, about six million people on the East Coast are still in the dark, down from a high of eight and a half million.

Outages create nomads in search of electricity

Oct 30, 2012
Superstorm Sandy has stranded millions of people without power. Many are on the move in search of a working outlet to recharge their phones.

Sandy hits, power goes out: The grid needs to wise up

Oct 29, 2012
The power grid is too large, too dependent on distant electricity supplies and not smart enough to pass the hurricane test. The result: long power outages. Upgrading to a more reliable grid will cost billions and take decades.