Do electric vehicles reduce emissions when the electricity comes from coal?

Aug 4, 2017
Each state has its own energy sources to power EVs, making the impact different depending where you are.
The Beacon Solar Farm will provide 250 MW of renewable electricity to Southern California when it's completed this year.
Jed Kim

Volvo says the combustion engine is a thing of the past

Jul 5, 2017
Volvo will launch several electric models in the near future.
English film actor Roger Moore opening the door of his Volvo for Isabelle McMillan in a scene from the television series, "The Saint."
Len Trievnor/Express/Getty Images

EPA locks in fuel standards just days before the Trump administration

Jan 13, 2017
Automakers must double fuel efficiency by 2025.

A new emissions cap-and-trade program starts up in Canada

Dec 30, 2016
Ontario’s program will connect with California’s and Quebec’s, adding momentum to efforts to combat global warming.