E-Verify could make it even harder for farmers and construction companies to find workers

Sep 28, 2018
A bill in Congress would require all employers to use the government’s E-Verify system.
Mexican migrant workers harvest organic parsley at Grant Family Farms on October 11, 2011 in Wellington, Colorado. 
John Moore/Getty Images

4 ways disability affects how employers approach hiring

Job descriptions are a bigger deal than you may think.
[Image Description: An individual is sitting at a desk, searching through a newspaper's help wanted ads. They are wearing a brown jacket, and are holding a pen in one hand and a sheet of white paper in the other.]
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

Does a tight labor market mean more jobs for young people?

Apr 19, 2018
With the weekly jobless claims out Thursday, we look at whether the tight labor market is creating opportunities for younger workers. Are employers more willing to look at — and train — younger workers? And are young workers prepared for the jobs that are available? Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

Flu season could cost employers billions of dollars

Feb 12, 2018
This flu season could cost businesses at least $15.4 billion in lost productivity, according to one employment consulting firm.
A sign advertising flu shots is displayed at a Walgreens pharmacy on Jan. 22, 2018 in San Francisco, California. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

2017 jobs picture was rosy, but are we at full employment?

Dec 29, 2017
2017 was a good year for jobs. Over the past year, (November 2016 to November 2017, the latest figure available), unemployment’s fallen by half a percent to just 4.1 percent. And according to orthodox economics, that means we’re hovering around full employment. Basically, the model says: If unemployment falls lower, employers will be so desperate […]

How recess can make students better job candidates

Dec 19, 2017
Giving students short breaks each day can do a lot.
Marianne Todd/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Would E-Verify keep undocumented workers off payrolls?

Jun 6, 2017
Advocates of stronger immigration enforcement want to require employers to use the online vetting system.
Immigrant laborers Jose, right, from Mexico, and Christian, from Honduras, perform "house leveling" work on a damaged home in New Orleans.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

The wages-to-jobs ratio is out of whack

May 5, 2017
Our tight labor market should be driving up pay. What gives?
A job seeker fills out registration forms before entering a career fair.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

How to ace a job interview? We asked a manager

Apr 21, 2017
Is it OK to bring up salary in an interview?
Prepare for the one interview question you're dreading the most.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images