It's been a bumpy ride for the office jobs that support office jobs

Jan 29, 2024
Jobs in this kind of work — the work that makes offices and buildings run, makes them nice — grew about 2.6% last year. It's growth but it's not huge growth.
The slow and uneven return to office leaves the future of office ecosystems up in the air.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Temp jobs have been disappearing. That's actually good news for workers and companies.

Jan 2, 2024
Workers prefer the stability of permanent jobs, and permanent workers tend to be more productive.
The temporary employment sector has weakened as demand softened and many temps became permanent.
Portra/Getty Images

More part-time workers are finding full-time gigs

Dec 8, 2023
In November, the number of people who want to have full-time work but haven't found it due to economic reasons declined by about 300,000.
Retail is one sector where previously part-time workers are finding full-time work.
gorodenkoff/Getty Images

New unemployment claims creep up as hiring slows

Nov 16, 2023
Six months of incremental softening of the job market has firmed up to something tangible: the number of people continuing to file for unemployment was the highest it’s been in almost two years.
Slowed hiring could be an indicator that the jobs market is mellowing out after wild swings during the first few years of the pandemic.
Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images

Wage growth cools in October

Nov 3, 2023
Average hourly earnings rose 4.1% year-over-year in October; the rate peaked near 6% in March 2022. The slowdown in wage growth is helping the Fed wrestle inflation lower.
The rate of average hourly earnings growth slowed in October, which is exactly what the Fed hopes might further cool inflation.
Chris Graythen/Getty Images

Retirement doesn't appeal to a notary in Texas who's still enjoying work

Oct 31, 2023
"This particular job, one of the reasons I took it is because I knew that you'd never stop learning, and I find that really exciting," said Violet O'Brien, a notary in Houston.
Texas notary Violet O'Brien (right) at a meeting with a client.
Courtesy Violet O'Brien

Building financial stability, one Lego brick at a time

Jun 1, 2023
What one veteran and former bartender found in a new job.
At a retailer specializing in Lego toys, Neil Cairns found a sense of purpose.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

After high school years interrupted by COVID, students calculate the cost of college differently

May 25, 2023
This spring, there were 14.2 million undergraduates in the U.S., about 9% fewer than in spring 2019.
This spring, there were 9% fewer undergraduate students in the U.S. than there were in spring 2019.
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

The class of 2023 is graduating into a challenging job market

Apr 5, 2023
The jobless rate for young workers has jumped since late 2021 and loan repayment is back on the table. Soon-to-be grads are scrambling.
New grads are entering a tougher hiring environment than last year's class. "There are jobs," says Wall Street Journal reporter Lindsay Ellis, but "it is a longer journey than many soon-to-be college grads would like."
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

How low unemployment lifts workers at the bottom

Mar 29, 2023
In "Moving the Needle: What Tight Labor Markets Do for the Poor," authors Newman and Jacobs advocate letting tight labor markets stay that way.
"When unemployment goes below about 4.5%, folks who've been out of work find work and keep work," said author Elisabeth Jacobs.
Brandon Bell/Getty Images