Reframing Flattery

Dec 30, 2011
To some, brown-nosing is a dirty business. To others, it's an art.

How to handle a toxic boss

Dec 30, 2011
Can anyone raise their hand and say they haven't had a bad boss at some time in their working life? Toxic bosses seem to be an inevitable feature of the labor landscape. The good news is there are tricks to navigating the terrain.
Learn some tips on how to make working for a terrible boss bearable.

Creating your brand

Dec 30, 2011
We learn some tips on how to develop your own brand and deliver a brand promise -- in less than 140 characters.
Illustration: Daryl Paranada / Source: Flickr

Need work? Become a software engineer

Dec 26, 2011
The unemployment situation is still tough for many millions of Americans, but for those companies hiring software engineers, trouble cuts the other way.

Getting Personal: A look back over a long, hard year

Dec 23, 2011
A rare treat for listeners! Tess discusses the ins and outs of 2011 with all four of our regulars, Chris Farrell, Kathy Kristof, David Lazarus and Liz Weston.

What's on the menu for next year?

Dec 21, 2011
Tess talks with David Lazarus, Kathy Kristof, Liz Weston and Chris Farrell about what we might be able to expect in 2012.

Layoffs numbers bode ominously

Nov 30, 2011
Planned layoffs are up in 2011 over the previous year -- and there's still a month to go.

For public good, not for profit.

U.S. Employment Picture at a Glance

Mar 4, 2011
U.S. employers added 192,000 workers in February and the unemployment rate declined to 8.9 percent -- the lowest level since April 2009. The illu...

Survey: Business economists say employment outlook at 12-year high

Jan 24, 2011
A new survey from the National Association for Business Economics shows signs of a strengthening economic recovery -- with a number of firms indi...

That person who never has a case of the Mondays

Aug 27, 2010
So you know that one perfect, goody two-shoe who actually files their TPS reports correctly and won't even take a peek at Facebook even on their...