Tech News In Brief - 6/4/10

Jun 4, 2010
Google data collection mess gets messier China blocking FoursquareU.S. Cyber Command wants to ‘operate freely' to protect and defend computer...

Car charging stations coming to town

Jun 4, 2010
Coulomb Technologies is seeking to install 4,600 charging stations for electric cars in nine metro areas by the end of 2011.  The charging...

Get energy from the stars

Jun 4, 2010
Well, that would be nice, wouldn't it? Scientists at the wonderfully named National Ignition Facility are conducting an enormous laser fusion...

Heat pump business is hot, naturally

Aug 13, 2008
Increasing energy costs have made geothermal heat pumps an attractive solution to heating buildings. The New York Times reports business is booming...

It's not just salmon: take a fresh look at our fishing & eating habits

Apr 11, 2008
I was saddened to see today's news that West Coast salmon fishing had to be abruptly halted due to a 93% freefall in the number of spawning fish...