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With no new shows, NBC gives refunds

Dec 11, 2007
The Hollywood writers strike has halted production of new TV episodes, so NBC has begun giving money back to advertisers who had paid in advance. Other networks may follow. Jeff Tyler reports.

TV is soon to face reality

Dec 10, 2007
As the Writer's Guild strike passes into week six, TV networks and studios come closer to running out of original material. Steve Henn reports we might all soon be facing a lot more reality programming.

When Oprah chooses sides

Dec 7, 2007
Celebrity endorsements of political candidates are nothing new. But we all know Oprah's more than just another celebrity. So we asked Stacey Vanek-Smith to take a look at what happens when brand Oprah picks a candidate.
Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey
Getty Images

Will Amazon be the iTunes killer?

Dec 7, 2007
With a Pepsi-backed promotion of about a billion music download giveaways, Amazon might be the best competitor against Apple yet. Doug Krizner talks to Billboard's Bill Werde about whether they have a shot at grabbing market share.

25 years and still a 'Thriller'

Dec 7, 2007
Michael Jackson's "Thriller" debuted this week in 1982, and it still holds the title of best-selling album of all time. Stacey Vanek-Smith shows us how the album and video raised the bar for what we expect from artists today.
Michael Jackson's famous "Thriller" look

Merger makes big gaming winner

Dec 3, 2007
French media conglomerate Vivendi and Guitar Hero maker Activision are joining forces to create Activision Blizzard, the world's largest independent video game company. Megan Williams has more on the deal.

What ABC wants from Imus

Dec 3, 2007
Out of a job for eight months after racist comments on his show, shock jock Don Imus goes back to work today, hosting a program on ABC radio. Why is he being allowed back on the air? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Post Office gives Netflix negative review

Nov 30, 2007
The U.S. Postal Service says delivering Netflix DVDs is costing it an extra $21 million a year because the envelopes have to be sorted by hand. Lisa Napoli reports.

L.A., Cannes . . . and Dubai

Nov 30, 2007
Dubai's film festival is only on its fourth year, but has already managed to become big enough to entice Hollywood players to come. Doug Krizner talks to Variety editor Mike Speier about Dubai's emerging market for entertainment.

Talk-show host Daly to cross picket line

Nov 28, 2007
Late-night talk show host Carson Daly is breaking ranks with Jay, Dave, and Conan on the Writers Guild Strike. He's going back to work on Monday -- deal or no deal. And he's asked non-union writers to give him material. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Late-night talk show host Carson Daly
Chad Buchanan/Getty Images