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Radiohead lets buyers name their price

Oct 1, 2007
CD music sales continue to decline. But the popular alternative British group Radiohead is trying something new. They're making a key change in their sales strategy. Lisa Napoli reports.

Putting lesbian parents on the radar

Sep 26, 2007
The new fall TV season is upon us, but one group you won't be seeing more of -- on network shows, anyway -- is gay and lesbian characters. But one entrepreneur is betting market economics can change that. Alex Schmidt reports.

Too sweet to be true?

Sep 25, 2007
CBS's show "Cane" about a Cuban-American family's sugar empire premieres tonight. While the network claims it's all make-believe, Dan Grech reports the family bears a striking resemblance to a real-life one in Palm Beach.

Halo3 takes publicity drive to next level

Sep 21, 2007
This weekend brings the final push of a nearly year-long media blitz that you might have managed to tune out -- unless you live with a video gamer. Lisa Napoli reports.

Slow goings for network TV

Sep 21, 2007
The fall TV season has started and ratings across the board are low. Doug Krizner talks to Variety's Mike Speier about which network's in the best position, and which may be in trouble.

$1 billion is no longer rich

Sep 21, 2007
Forbes has released its annual list of the 400 richest Americans -- and this year, some of the usual suspects have been demoted. Jill Barshay reports.

Not just for cubic zirconia

Sep 20, 2007
QVC does more than sell jewelry to you while you sit on the couch. To prove it, the company is trying something new: its first ad campaign in 21 years. Lisa Napoli has more.

For public good, not for profit.

Music biz's future rests on key changes

Sep 19, 2007
When it comes to file sharing and illegal downloads, it's the big music labels that complain the loudest about being ripped off. Bob Moon reports on some ideas that might help the recording industry face the musical future.

It's a 'Kid Nation' after all

Sep 19, 2007
On CBS's reality TV show "Kid Nation," 40 children are set loose on a ghost town to create an adult-free society. But the Marketplace Players don't see how this is much different from the America we know now.

Free? Illegal? ... What's the difference?

Sep 18, 2007
Free doesn't always mean legal when you're downloading music. And critics say the recording industry's muddying the waters its spent years in court trying to clear up. Bob Moon reports.