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Disney nixes on-screen smoking

Jul 26, 2007
The movie ratings folks plan to crack down on films depicting tobacco smoking, and that's just bad for Disney's bottom line. The health of the audience is another factor. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

A la carte satellite to sweeten the deal

Jul 24, 2007
The heads of Sirius and XM radio are hoping a new, less expensive consumer package will help convince the feds to approve their proposed merger. Opponents fear a monopoly. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Wizard rocks the house

Jul 20, 2007
The final Harry Potter book due out tomorrow has already set sales records, but JK Rowling's boy wizard has also given rise to a new genre of music: wizard rock. Rachel Dornhelm has the story behind the bands.

Beckham's star power shines in L.A. Galaxy

Jul 19, 2007
Soccer star David Beckham is slated to play his first game for the Los Angeles Galaxy on Saturday night, assuming his injured ankle is OK. Tess Vigeland spoke with our sports-business expert Ed Derse about all things Beckham.
David Beckham shows off his Los Angeles Galaxy uniform
Getty Images

'Mad Men' explores advertising's heyday

Jul 18, 2007
Kai Ryssdal talks with Matt Weiner, creator of "Mad Men," a new TV show set in the 1960s advertising world of New York's Madison Avenue.

Casual gaming's a winner

Jul 17, 2007
Casual gamers may not display the same devotion and enthusiasm as their hardcore video-gaming counterparts, but there are some 200 million of them and that number's growing fast. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Internet radio lives to play another day

Jul 16, 2007
The recording industry has made some major concessions that will allow webcasters to stay in business while the two sides try to hammer out an agreement on royalty rates. Pandora's Tim Westergren says it's a win for musicians and listeners.

For public good, not for profit.

Will Internet radio fall silent?

Jul 13, 2007
On Sunday a huge hike in music royalties for webcasters goes into effect that could threaten many Internet radio sites. Bob Moon talks to Tim Westergren and John Simson, who hold opposing views on the issue.

Hollywood's recalculating residuals

Jul 13, 2007
The big movie and TV studios wants to come up with a new formula for how residuals are paid to writers, actors and directors get when their work is rebroadcast, but they could have a big fight on their hands. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

The Return of the 3D Movie!

Jul 13, 2007
Filmgoers can expect to see more of this throwback to the 1950s coming out of Hollywood. The glasses are still goofy but the technology is all grown up, and studio execs expect audiences will keep paying more for the improved experience. Jill Barshay reports.