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Riding the iPhone publicity wave

Jul 2, 2007
Universal Music is refusing to renew its annual contract with Apple to make its music available on iTunes. The at-will arrangement means Universal could yank its big name artists at a moment's notice. But that seems unlikely, Dan Grech reports.

Talkers fight a 'fairness' push

Jun 29, 2007
Conservative talk radio flexed its muscle to defeat the ill-fated immigration reform bill, and it's unlikely the "Fairness Doctrine" will be resurrected to control the airwaves. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Hollywood braces for 'perfect storm'

Jun 29, 2007
Contracts for Hollywood writers and actors are up for renegotiation soon, and studio heads are stocking up on scripts and rushing production in case of an industry-wide strike. Are even more reality shows on the horizon?

Is China ready for gay TV?

Jun 28, 2007
A Hong Kong-based private broadcaster is trying to lure an audience online with controversial programs created in a small Beijing studio. But the venture has its risks. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Maybe Hooters and Puritans don't mix

Jun 27, 2007
Hooters has shown strong growth nationally -- except in New England where the franchise known for its busty waitresses faces Chapter 7 bankruptcy and is liquidating. Curt Nickisch reports.

'Sicko' could cure American apathy

Jun 26, 2007
Michael Moore's latest film comes out this week, and commentator Jamie Court thinks it might provide the emotional kick in the pants Americans need to finally demand universal health care and put private insurers out of business.

Competition for Paris interview is hot

Jun 22, 2007
TV networks that offered to pay Paris Hilton for an exclusive post-jail interview have apparently backed away from their plans due to negative reaction. Jill Barshay reports on what the networks could reap in ad sales for the interview.

For public good, not for profit.

No limit to poker's potential

Jun 22, 2007
Players and fans from around the globe are in Las Vegas for the annual World Series of Poker -- or they're watching it on TV. It's become wildly popular, says Diana Nyad, because it's a brand of reality TV we can all relate to.

Calling off Manhunt 2

Jun 22, 2007
The creators of the hyper-violent Grand Theft Auto video game series may have gone too far this time. A sequel to a best-selling gorefest has been banned in the U.K. and won't be sold in the U.S. Stephen Beard reports.

Stax looking to find a new groove

Jun 21, 2007
The Stax record label got its start 50 years ago and featured such legends as Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes and Booker T and the MGs. Now, after a bankruptcy and two buyouts, it's about to get another spin. Trey Kay reports.