Summer movies hit and miss

Jun 27, 2008
Iron Man has surprised the box office by coming out ahead of Indiana Jones. Renita Jablonski talks to Variety Managing Editor Stuart Levine about what other films are doing well and what's been a disaster so far.

Enough success to fill an arena

Jun 23, 2008
Britain's Millenium Dome had a hard time living up to high expectations, until an American company came in and reinvented the arena. Stephen Beard has more on the continued success of the 02 in London.

Is DreamWorks going Bollywood?

Jun 18, 2008
DreamWorks may join forces with India's Reliance ADA Group. The merger would mean about $500 million in equity for Steven Spielberg's studio. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
DreamWorks logo

Hollywood braces for actors strike

Jun 17, 2008
Production on movies and television has again slowed to a virtual halt under the threat of an actors strike. Host Kai Ryssdal talks with Variety reporter Joe Adalian about the stakes this time.

Theaters make ends meet with ads

Jun 16, 2008
Most of a movie ticket's price goes to the studios, so theaters are looking for ways to generate more income from their captive audiences. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Rows of seats in a movie theater

Drama surrounding SAG talks

Jun 13, 2008
The Screen Actors Guild's is willing to keep actors working without a deal as long as talks continue with studios. But SAG's head is coming down on another actor's union. Renita Jablonski talks to Variety's Stuart Levine.

The reanimation of Pixar

Jun 12, 2008
Kai Ryssdal talks to author David Price about animation studio Pixar's transformation from failing computer company to Hollywood darling.

For public good, not for profit.

For radio, talk of royalties is in the air

Jun 11, 2008
Congress is considering whether to impose musician royalties over what's played on FM radio. Jeremy Hobson looks into whether airplay still helps record sales and how Capitol Hill feels about the potential new business model.

Network TV still a place for ads

Jun 9, 2008
Between a writer's strike and a weak economy, you might expect the TV industry would be in trouble. But the medium is holding steady. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports network TV is still a big way to tap into a diverse audience.
TV remote

All green, all the time

Jun 2, 2008
The Discovery Channel is preparing to unveil 'Planet Green,' a 24-hour, all-environmental cable network. New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter talks with host Bob Moon about the growth of eco-tainment.