Putting products before plot?

May 30, 2008
It's hard to find a TV show or movie these days that doesn't have name-brand products in the scenes. Amy Scott takes a look at where product placement is headed.

A summer of film revivals?

May 30, 2008
After the success of Indiana Jones, Paramount is looking to cash in on another character back. Renita Jablonski talks to Variety's Mike Speier about who else could make a comeback on Jones's heels.

Fighting to stay on top of rental game

May 28, 2008
Netflix and Blockbuster are both up against big contenders as Apple and Amazon grow their online movie businesses. Jennifer Collins reports how the two rental companies plan to fend off competition.

Device lets you try your hand at music

May 23, 2008
A new musical invention for the masses called Beamz is following the popularity of the video games Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Sharper Image has just released the new laser music maker. Kai Ryssdal tries it out with G4's Kevin Pereira.

Marketing engine in 'Speed Racer' stalls

May 19, 2008
The movie 'Speed Racer' was supposed to be a blockbuster. Warner Bros. put $250 million into making and marketing it. But so far it's earned less than $30 million at the box office. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports on the economics of a flop.
Image from the movie 'Speed Racer'
Warner Bros.

Looking forward to Gen X nostalgia

May 16, 2008
Twenty years is the magic number when it comes to nostalgia, and that time's arrived for Generation X, whose members are now becoming parents with purchasing power. Caitlan Carroll reports on how the entertainment industry is getting in position.

Can film economics change Cannes?

May 16, 2008
The film festival at Cannes is a little different this year. Renita Jablonski talks to Variety's Mike Speier about changes in the economics of the film industry and how it may affect the glitzy 61-year event.

For public good, not for profit.

With CNET, CBS eyes big Web audience

May 15, 2008
CBS is paying $1.8 billion for CNET, the Internet icon that's run into some trouble of late. What's in the deal for CBS? Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
CBS, CNET logos

A low life for high ratings

May 15, 2008
Riding the trend of feel-good reality TV shows, Fox is set to unveil a riches-to-rags story. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more on the "Secret Millionaire" who must find a worthy beneficiary while living amongst the needy.
Terry George from Fox's new reality show "Secret Millionaire" reflects upon the difficulty of choosing a beneficiary.

'Old Blue Eyes' still sparkles

May 14, 2008
Frank Sinatra died a decade ago today and the tributes range from postage stamps to new CD compilations and souvenirs galore. John Dimsdale reports on The Chairman of the Board's enduring appeal.