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Gay bars adjusting to a new reality

Apr 25, 2008
Fortune Magazine's recent list of 10 businesses facing extinction includes record stores, crop dusting, telemarketing and . . . gay bars? That one caught our eye because gay business in general is booming. Stacey Vanek-Smith checked it out.
The Abbey in West Hollywood, Calif. on New Year's Eve

TV sweeps after the writers' strike

Apr 24, 2008
Tonight, you'll start to see new episodes of popular shows on television. That's right, despite what it says on the calendar, today is the beginning of May sweeps. Marketplace's Jeff Tyler brings us up to speed.

French flock to film about a simpler life

Apr 21, 2008
A low-budget comedy movie in France with no big-name stars and little marketing is setting box-office records. Critics say the response to its feel-good message is a backlash against President Sarkozy's flamboyance, or to fears of globalization. John Laurenson reports.

Losing sleep over noisy New York bars

Apr 18, 2008
Closing time for New York City bars is 4 a.m. Some New Yorkers upset over noisy patrons want bars to close at 2 a.m. so they can get some sleep. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports

Turning video games into movies

Apr 15, 2008
Hollywood sometimes uses video-game ideas for movies. But now gamers are making movies out of the games themselves. It's fun and games only until the lawyers get involved. David Chong reports.

Luring filmmakers with tax incentives

Apr 14, 2008
The Canadian dollar's increase against the U.S. dollar has fewer filmmakers crossing the border to save a buck. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports that some states are using tax incentives to grab some of the production business.
A TV camera taping

A deodorant with street cred

Apr 11, 2008
It can get pretty sweaty at a hip-hop show by one of Island Def Jam's acts. What's a smelly teen to do? Use Proctor & Gamble's hip-hop deodorant, TAG, a joint endeavor with Def Jam records. Jill Barshay reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Make money playing a house concert

Apr 11, 2008
It's tough for not-so-famous musicians -- tough to be heard and tough to make money. Aspiring artists are turning to garages, basements and living rooms, and some have found that can pay off. Lisa Chow reports.

Is film's marketing intelligently designed?

Apr 4, 2008
Producers of a new documentary on the creationism-evolution debate in academia hope it can succeed at the box office like Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Stacey Vanek-Smith reports on the marketing efforts for the film "Expelled."
Ben Stein on the "Expelled" movie poster.
Premise Media Corp.

Iraq war films struggle at box office

Apr 4, 2008
Even though several high-profile Iraq war films have failed at the box office, there are several more in the pipeline. Doug Krizner talks to Variety's Mike Speier about why these films fail commercially even with critical acclaim.