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Creating the next Silicon Valley in Chicago

Oct 26, 2012
The Windy City tries to lure tech entrepreneurs to create a new startup ecosystem.

Social enterprises use morality to attract investors

Oct 8, 2012
Social enterprises increasingly use morality and fair trading claims to attract investors rather than customers. Runa Tea is one.

To a football fan with financial savvy

Sep 14, 2012
One football fan in Ann Arbor, Michigan finds a way to pay for his renovation with upscale tailgating.
Michigan Wolverines fans look on during the game.
Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

In Turkey, Syrian refugees use their skills

Aug 21, 2012
Some 70,000 refugees have fled the fighting in Syria and crossed over into Turkey. Even in the refugee camps, some are showing entrepreneurial flair.

Establishing a life post-Katrina

Aug 17, 2012
A fisherman's son escapes Vietnam to New Orleans, only have to have to escape again.

Baby Boomers will drive this economy

Aug 17, 2012
As Baby Boomers age, younger generations are fearing the day they'll be shouldering the burden to pay for Boomers' Social Security benefits. But one senior says Baby Boomers will help boost the economy, not drain it.

Young entrepreneurs redefine 'family business'

Aug 15, 2012
Some generation Y entrepreneurs are turning the idea of going into the family business on its head -- by hiring their parents to work at their fledgling companies.

For public good, not for profit.

Why are people attacking lemonade stands?

Jul 20, 2012
One parent wonders why many adults disapprove of where her son is putting his hard-earned lemonade stand money towards.

Building business in Ghana, one battery at a time

Jul 17, 2012
After Whit Alexander found success co-creating the board game Cranium, he found a calling in social entrepreneurship. The story of the battery business he built in Ghana is told in a new book by his brother Max.

The angels of Silicon Valley

Jul 3, 2012
Angel investors fund the very early stages of startups, looking to get in early on the next big thing. A lot of angel money ends up going down the drain, but that's just the price of innovation.