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The cost of junk on the ocean floor

Jun 6, 2013
The Monterrey Bay Aquarium just released a new report on all the sea junk they've discovered over the past 22 years of underwater surveys.

Timber industry goes after green LEED certification

May 30, 2013
The timber industry is challenging the sustainable forestry certification of the LEED green-building program state by state.

European Space Agency announces Biomass satellite to monitor forests

May 14, 2013
A new satellite could tell us a lot about climate change.

EU looks to protect bees from pesticides

Apr 29, 2013
The vote, which will restrict the use of certain types of pesticides for two years unless decisive new information becomes available, is an effort to protect the dwindling honeybee population.

Putting a dollar value on that tree in your yard

Apr 26, 2013
Yes, it's Arbor Day again. Don't hug a tree, plant one. Or, calculate the value of what a tree is doing for the environment.

China's toxic harvest: A "cancer village" rises in protest

Apr 17, 2013
Farmers in Liuchong village in the Central Chinese province of Hubei are standing up to a local phosphate mining operation and fertilizer factory they blame for polluting the village's water and air, killing their crops and livestock, and leading to a sharp increase in cancer rates in the region.

Your gas bill will rise under new rules (but by how much?)

Mar 29, 2013
Oil companies say new EPA rules on sulfur levels in gas will increase prices several cents a gallon, but higher refining costs could play out many ways.

For public good, not for profit.

Will Obama's second term have a greener tint?

Mar 15, 2013
President Obama highlights his energy policy at an event in Illinois today. What’s that policy, and will it get more attention in the second term than it did in the first?

China considers carbon tax, will U.S. consumers foot the bill?

Feb 22, 2013
The official news agency in China is reporting that the government will tax carbon emissions.

EU looks to halt carbon permits, raise prices

Feb 18, 2013
The European parliament is voting to halt new carbon permits in an effort to drive up the price of emissions, but will the tinkering hurt the credibility of the carbon trading system?