Could EPA sulfur cuts affect gas prices?

Mar 29, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose a new rule today that will require refiners to cut the amount of sulfur in gasoline by two thirds.

Head of EPA made progress, despite lack of support

Dec 27, 2012
Administrator Lisa Jackson pushed through rules limiting emissions despite opposition from energy industry and little backup from the Obama administration.

EPA head Lisa Jackson to step down

Dec 27, 2012
The Obama Administration announced this morning the head of the Environmental Protection Agency -- Lisa Jackson -- is stepping down.

New air pollution rules finally arrive

Dec 13, 2012
Industry has fought tighter restrictions on soot from power plants for years. Today is the court-ordered deadline for the Environmental Protection Agency to deliver the new rules.

In Obama second term, EPA set to issue emission rules

Nov 8, 2012
Climate change may regain priority in the Obama administration. One area where the President can act without Congress is supporting the Environmental Protection Agency as it writes new rules limiting emissions.

Court shoots down EPA rule on pollution

Aug 22, 2012
Power plants and air regulators are working through the implications of a new court ruling this morning. The decision shot down an air pollution rule from the Environmental Protection Agency. Now regulators have to go back to the drawing board.

Federal court affirms EPA authority

Jun 27, 2012
The U.S. Appeals Court ruling empowering the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions could deal another blow to the slumping coal industry.

For public good, not for profit.

Gauging the job impact of environmental regulations

Apr 6, 2012
The Environmental Protection Agency's regulations have long been a object of contention for their impact on jobs. A new report from the Institute for Policy Integrity's hopes to wrap job considerations into the EPA's analyses.

EPA announces new carbon pollution rules

Mar 27, 2012
The new regulations for power plants will reinforce market realities.

Delay in EPA gas rules may hurt cars

Mar 20, 2012
A reported delay in cleaner fuels could harm the new engines designed to burn it.