Automakers meet with EPA, DOT about federal fuel efficiency standards

Apr 27, 2017
The auto industry came to Washington today for talks with the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation. On the table: tweaks to the emissions and mileage requirements currently in place. The White House and automakers want lower standards to be considered. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Critics say HONEST Act undercuts EPA’s use of science

Apr 10, 2017
Email suggests the head of the EPA ignored staff objections to a measure that could restrict the agency's ability to use the best science
A view of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) headquarters on March 16, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Which areas will see cuts under Trump's budget?

Mar 16, 2017
One big winner: people who want to see a smaller government.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

EPA attacks harken back to Reagan era

Mar 10, 2017
1980s' push to deregulate the agency resembles the Trump administration's plans.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt holds up an an agency baseball hat as he addresses employees at the agency's Washington, D.C., headquarters in February.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Automakers ask EPA for a chance to revisit strict fuel mileage rules

Feb 22, 2017
One of former President Barack Obama’s environmental victories was getting automakers to agree to much higher fuel efficiency standards back in 2011. In his last days in office, his administration worked to finalize those standards through 2025. That came as a bit of a shock to carmakers who had expected a chance to revisit the […]

How the new EPA chief can take the agency in a new direction

Feb 20, 2017
President Donald Trump picked his new National Security Adviser today. Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster will replace Michael Flynn, who resigned after withholding information about a call with Russia’s ambassador. Tomorrow, Scott Pruitt — another high-profile appointee — will take his job as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.  Pruitt has a complicated past with […]

As Trump vows to cut regulation, Flint’s residents sue EPA for $772 million

Feb 2, 2017
About 1,700 residents of Flint, Michigan, are suing the Environmental Protection Agency for $772 million for allegedly mishandling the massive lead contamination in the city’s drinking water. This comes at the same time that the Trump administration is carrying through on promises to limit the EPA’s regulatory power. Will a weaker EPA allow for more […]

For public good, not for profit.

The Badlands National Park's Twitter account goes rogue

Jan 24, 2017
The account seemingly responds to the president's statement about environmentalism.
This August, 2001 photo shows the vast expanse of the Badlands National Park in South Dakota.


EPA locks in fuel standards just days before the Trump administration

Jan 13, 2017
Automakers must double fuel efficiency by 2025.

EPA reverses course, highlights fracking contamination of drinking water

Dec 13, 2016
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today issued a final report on the connection between hydraulic fracturing and contamination in drinking water. After stressing in June 2015 that there was no "widespread, systematic impact" on water, the agency now is emphasizing that fracking can affect drinking water under some circumstances.
A natural gas well pad in Dimock, Pa.
Amanda Hrycyna for APM Reports