What can an oil industry ally do to the EPA?

Dec 8, 2016
Trump’s pick, the Oklahoma attorney general, works closely with oil and gas interests.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt arrives at Trump Tower on December 7, 2016 in New York City. 

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

EPA's late changes to fracking study downplay risk of drinking water pollution

Nov 30, 2016
Early versions highlighted contaminated drinking water and vulnerabilities from fracking. The final version turned out differently: Fracking had not "led to widespread, systemic impacts." Oil and gas cheered the findings.
Ray Kemble holds two samples of well water from his neighborhood in Dimock, PA. He says the water was contaminated after fracking.
Amanda Hrycyna for APM Reports

Trump has to do little to keep his climate promises

Nov 10, 2016
He's promised to roll back the fight against global warming and unleash coal, oil and natural gas.
Protesters rally about climate change outside the White House in Washington, DC on November 29, 2015. 

EPA getting authority to review chemicals for safety

May 25, 2016
A bill passed by the House would be the first major environmental law in 25 years.
 A worker at Sohn's French Cleaners, which uses eco-friendly chemicals to dry clean clothes, presses shirts in 2007 in San Francisco.  A proposed law would give the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to evaluate whether certain chemicals should remain on the market. These chemicals include Trichloroethylene, which is typically used in dry cleaning, protective coating and industrial greasers.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Inside a huge air pollution scrubbing unit

Feb 11, 2016
The Homer City Generating Station burns 16,000 tons of coal per day
The Homer City Generating Station in Indiana County, Pennsylvania is installing pollution controls designed to reduce dangerous emissions of sulfur dioxide and mercury by more than 90 percent.
Reid Frazier

Can Volkswagen regain its customers' confidence?

Sep 21, 2015
It is in hot water with regulators and customers after faking emissions data.

Wasting food is more than a waste of money

Sep 15, 2015
The Obama administration has a plan to reduce uneaten food in landfills.

For public good, not for profit.

How the EPA made gas-mileage numbers accurate

Feb 24, 2015
The EPA has increasingly made mileage tests a more accurate measure of reality

Supreme Court to hear case on plant emission rules

Nov 26, 2014
It's the EPA vs. Industry in a battle of cost versus benefit.

EnergyStar keeps consumer trust, despite bumps

Jul 21, 2014
If Whirlpool pulls out, it's leaving behind a trusted brand.