The 'war on coal' is no fight to the death

Jun 3, 2014
Even with EPA goals, 30 percent of U.S. electricity will come from burning coal.

Reduce carbon, create jobs?

Jun 3, 2014
The EPA says reducing carbon emissions will cost billions but create energy jobs.

We're already halfway toward the EPA's new CO2 limits

Jun 2, 2014
That's the good news. Less good: The next half is the hard part.

EPA gives states flexibility in cutting carbon emissions

Jun 2, 2014
More on the EPA's aim to cut power plants' carbon emissions 30% by 2030

One estimate of the cost of new EPA rules: $51 billion

May 30, 2014
And compared to the U.S. economy, that's kinda small.

EPA's carbon rules may give some states a head start

May 30, 2014
But nobody knows which states. It depends on how the rules get written.

The EPA starts targeting carbon dioxide in earnest

May 27, 2014
The Obama Administration readies its regulation of carbon-dioxide emissions.

For public good, not for profit.

The EPA's new smog rules: Cost vs. benefit

Mar 3, 2014
Weighing the immediate costs of wringing more sulfur out of emissions, against long-term health and economic benefits from less smog.

Cow burps: The environmental hazard.

Feb 25, 2014
Belching cattle are a larger source of methane gas emissions than natural gas drilling.

Where President Obama "shops"

Feb 18, 2014
The President announced ambitious new EPA targets today -- at a Safeway.