Air pollution explainer: What's an externality?

Dec 9, 2013
Pollution isn't free … but who should pay?

When air pollution crosses state lines, which state has to do the cleanup?

Dec 9, 2013
Some governors asked the EPA to rein in polluting states, and EPA is asking the Supreme Court for permission.

The war on the 'War on Coal'

Oct 30, 2013
The coal industry and its political supporters have launched their counterattack to EPA rules.

What's it like to be "non-essential"

Oct 1, 2013
On any other day, Joe James would be working as a microbiologist with the EPA. But, after the government shutdown, he's not sure when he'll be back to work.

EPA rules on coal plants' emissions will require new technology

Sep 20, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency's is issuing new limits on emissions by coal-burning plants that new plants will need advanced carbon-capture technology to comply.

New EPA rules: Clean coal or end of coal?

Sep 20, 2013
The EPA announces emission rules that will require new coal-burning plants to cut carbon-dioxide pollution by 40 percent.

Forget Congress: How Obama can fight climate change solo

Jun 25, 2013
After years of butting heads with congressional Republicans, President Obama will announce climate change policies through administrative action.

For public good, not for profit.

Can Lisa Jackson improve Apple's green reputation?

May 29, 2013
Apple has picked the former EPA chief to head environmental efforts. But will it work?

The beat of the sequester furloughs marches on

May 24, 2013
As a result of sequester, the IRS, HUD, the EPA and Office of Management and Budget become part of the biggest wave of government office closures since 1995.

Your gas bill will rise under new rules (but by how much?)

Mar 29, 2013
Oil companies say new EPA rules on sulfur levels in gas will increase prices several cents a gallon, but higher refining costs could play out many ways.