Ireland votes on EU fiscal discipline treaty

May 31, 2012
Today, Ireland is holding a referendum on whether to ratify Europe's new fiscal discipline pact. A vote against the treaty would challenge German-backed austerity measures.

Euro leaders plan for Greece to 'divorce' the euro

May 24, 2012
Although eurozone members want Greece to keep the euro, contingency plans are being made in case there is a parting of ways. The cost and wider economic effects of a possible Greek exit are highly uncertain.

EU depositors protected, not from euro collapse

May 21, 2012
Depositors into European banks have their money protected, as here in the U.S., but the risk is not just that the bank might collapse, the currency might.

No more wagers on Greek exit

May 10, 2012
As an exodus in the European Union becomes more a sure thing, two of London's largest bookmakers shut down the markets for bets on Greece leaving the E.U. and the existence of the euro in a few years.

Investors face deadline to prevent Greek default

Mar 8, 2012
Private bond holders have until this afternoon to decide if they'll take major losses on their investments in order to keep Greece out of a messy default, and avoid another global crisis.

Croatia could be newest European Union member

Jan 20, 2012
Joining the European Union means also eventually jumping on board with the euro currency. Why would a country want to get involved at such a moment of crisis?

Europeans differ on the euro’s desirability

Jan 19, 2012
The euro has much support in beleaguered Greece and Italy, but in Germany -- the eurozone’s strongest economy -- many wonder if it’s worth the cost.

For public good, not for profit.

Eurozone may end up failed currency union

Jan 4, 2012
The 17 nations sharing the euro as a common currency struggle to keep the eurozone together. Historically, currency unions have a poor track record.

European leaders not optimistic for 2012

Jan 2, 2012
Leaders usually like to start the year with optimism, but Angela Merkel and others are finding it hard to see the bright side to the current situation in Europe.

2011 in review: Europe's debt crisis

Dec 29, 2011
The continent has had a dramatic year. The debt crisis seems to be in check right now, but there’s no telling what might happen next year.