A professor's perspective: How did Greece get here?

Jun 12, 2012
Global stock markets have turned their attention to Greece in anticipation of its elections this weekend that could lead to a Greek exit from the euro. How did Greece get here? We get a professor's perspective.

A man walks into a bar... in Paris

Jun 12, 2012
Patrons of the Bar La Fusee in Paris offer their thoughts on the euro and the eurozone economic crisis.

Spain avoids government bailout with bank rescue

Jun 11, 2012
Wounded banks in Spain will now be able to draw up to $125 billion in money from the EU. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy credited government reforms with limiting the scope of the financial crisis to the banking system.

Spain's bailout: Good idea or moral hazard?

Jun 11, 2012
Now that Spain has received a favorable bailout deal, will other countries in Europe expect the same?

A pub crawl across Europe

Jun 11, 2012
The assignment: visit five different bars in five different European nations and talk about the eurozone debt crisis. The results: kind of fizzy.

A man walks into a bar… in Ireland

Jun 11, 2012
Europe correspondent Stephen Beard begins a five-part series from bars in Europe. He gets the opinions of ordinary Europeans on the ongoing debt crisis, starting with the Irish.

Spain gets a short term fix in euro bailout

Jun 11, 2012
European leaders agreed to bail out Spain's banks to the tune of $125 billion over the weekend. Spanish banks were hemorrhaging cash ahead of this weekend's crucial election in Greece -- that could lead to a Greek exit from the euro.

For public good, not for profit.

Spain asks for bailout, Fed sets new banking buffer

Jun 8, 2012
One of the big rain clouds hanging over markets this morning is coming from Spain. There are reports that the Spanish government could ask Europe to bailout its banks this weekend.

What's up, Europe? Germans care... about soccer

Jun 8, 2012
What's the mood like in Germany right now? It's a case of soccer fever as the European Championships kick off. But are Germans in denial about the eurozone crisis?

Will Greece return to the drachma?

Jun 8, 2012
Greece continues to struggle through a debt and banking crisis and rumors of a 'Grexit' abound. If the country does leave the euro, how will it roll out the drachma, and what are the costs?