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G7 leaders to hold emergency conference call

Jun 5, 2012
Finance ministers from the world's seven leading industrialized nations are holding an emergency conference call today to discuss the eurozone crisis.

What's Up, Europe? Shock and numbness in Greece

Jun 5, 2012
The spotlight of the eurozone crisis moves to Spain, but no one has forgotten Greece. While the official unemployment rate there is above 21 percent, many more are working without pay.

Portugal's banks get $8 billion bailout

Jun 4, 2012
Today three big banks in Portugal were forced to draw on $8.25 billion worth of European Union bailout money to weather the current financial storm. Portugal has been slogging through very tight budgets in order to be eligible for money like this.

Fears of global slowdown sink markets

Jun 4, 2012
Stocks are down all over the world this morning as investors have their first chance to react to the Labor Department's May jobs report that came out on Friday. But the negative market sentiment isn't just about jobs.

Companies delay IPO due to Facebook, Euro crisis

Jun 1, 2012
Yesterday discount travel website Kayak announced it’s putting off going public. In the UK, luxury jeweler Graff Diamonds has made a similar move, and today Formula One announced it’s shelving its IPO.

Why a bank run is bad

Jun 1, 2012
A bank run occurs when customers run down to the bank and demand their money back. So, why can't the bank just return the cash? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains using a human heart analogy.
A bank run occurs when customers run down to the bank and demand their money back. So, why can't the bank just return the cash? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains using a human heart analogy.
Daniel Roland/AFP/Getty Images

What's up, Europe? French president meets Putin, life goes on

Jun 1, 2012
What might an American audience appreciate about the news in Paris right now, and what's on everybody's mind in France?

For public good, not for profit.

Solutions for Spanish banking crisis dwindle

May 31, 2012
Spain's Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Saenz, will head to Washington to discuss ways to resolve the Spanish banking crisis with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

What's up, Europe? Ireland votes on EU treaty

May 31, 2012
It's a gray day in Dublin, as the Irish vote on the European Union's fiscal stability treaty. Will a yes vote really solve Ireland's problems?

Americans not concerned with euro crisis

May 31, 2012
Experts say the European debt crisis could derail halting economic growth in the U.S., but do Americans care?