The European Central Bank whips out the big guns

Sep 4, 2014
The ECB announced a surprise cut in interest rates.

European Central Bank cuts interest rates

Sep 4, 2014
In an unexpected move, the ECB cut rates to 0.05 percent.

What negative interest rates mean for the Eurozone

Jun 5, 2014
People who save money usually get paid. Now, European banks pay for the privilege.
Traders work under the index board that shows the DAX has broken the 10,000 mark for the first time ever at the Deutsche Boerse exchange on June 5, 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany. The rise comes after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi announced record low interest rates. 
Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images

Ireland's economy is about to move out of intensive care

Dec 13, 2013
Ireland's bailout comes to an official end on Sunday.

VIDEO: The ECB's bond-buying program explained with bonbons

Sep 6, 2012
The European Central Bank is set to go on a bond-buying spree in an effort to save the euro and stem the debt crisis. But how does it work? It helps to think about candy.
2 euro coins made of chocolate -- split in half.
Joel Saget/AFP/Getty Images

ECB bond-buying plan will only bide time

Sep 6, 2012
The European Central Bank's plan to buy bonds is reminiscent of the Fed's quantitative easing.

Draghi's bond-buying plan continues push for reform

Sep 6, 2012
European Central Bank president Mario Draghi announced a plan today to buy bonds and relieve market pressure on troubled eurozone countries. But will it work?

For public good, not for profit.

ECB's Mario Draghi unveils bond-buying plan

Sep 6, 2012
Target countries will have to agree to more austerity and economic reforms.

Needing economic 'booster shots' in China, Europe, U.S.

Sep 3, 2012
In China, manufacturing activity fell last month for the first time in almost a year, putting more pressure on Chinese officials to do something to stimulate the economy. Meanwhile in Europe, we learned this morning that manufacturing activity in the eurozone also fell last month, which will in turn put more pressure on the European Central Bank to do something about the ongoing crisis there.

Federal Reserve, European Central Bank weigh options

Aug 2, 2012
The Fed announced yesterday that it is prepared to act if the economy gets worse -- But for now, nada. Which brings us to the European Central Bank, which is holding a meeting today in Frankfurt and might have a little something up its sleeve for the global economy.