ECB head pledges to do 'whatever it takes' to save euro

Jul 26, 2012
What can the European Central Bank really do to help the euro and what obstacles might be in its way?

How central bank tactics stack up

Jun 21, 2012
The U.S. Federal Reserve says it will continue holding interest rates down the rest of the year through its "Operation Twist" -- swapping short-term securities for long-term ones. But the economic crisis is global, and ours is not the only central bank that's worried about stoking economic growth.

Should central banks be doing more?

Jun 6, 2012
There's been more and more talk of the world economy slowing down. Still, the European Central Bank isn't changing its interest rate, and the Federal Reserve hasn't budged yet.

ECB cuts off funding to some Greek banks

May 17, 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sent a message that she is committed to keeping Greece in the eurozone. At the same time, the European Central Bank is keeping Greek banks on a tight leash, cutting off funding for some.

Europe shifts away from austerity, but that's easier said than done

May 3, 2012
The head of the European Central Bank said today that economic growth has to be central to the plan to get Europe out of its debt crisis

Is the European debt crisis resurfacing?

Apr 5, 2012
There are some economic headwinds blowing strong right now. And one of them is coming from Spain where a disappointing bond auction yesterday sent government borrowing costs to a 5 month high and renewed fears about the European Debt Crisis.

A tale of two economies

Feb 16, 2012
As the U.S. economy improves measurably, Europe slips into crisis mode.

For public good, not for profit.

For ECB plan to succeed, European banks must buy up bonds

Dec 22, 2011
What looks like a major success now may end up being more of a modest win in the future against the mounting debt crisis in the eurozone.

Has the ECB action helped avert a banking crisis?

Dec 22, 2011
The European Central Bank yesterday printed $640 billion worth of euros, almost the same amount of money as the TARP program used by the U.S. government during the financial crisis in 2008.

PODCAST: A mobile Super Bowl, ECB plan exceeds expectations

Dec 21, 2011
As Spain gears up for new leadership, the European Union wants airlines to reduce emissions or pay for permits allowing them to pollute. During the holidays, consumers generate as much as 25 percent more waste from packaging, unused holiday cards and wrapping paper, and other seasonal items. In some Atlanta neighborhoods, houses are selling for under 10,000 -- less than the price of many used cars.
This winter, the Super Bowl party goes on the road. The NFL championship game will be available to stream on mobile phones.
Warren Little/Getty Images