European Central Bank bails out Europe’s banks

Dec 21, 2011
The ECB has given about 490 billion euros in cheap loans to European banks, reflecting the crisis in Europe’s banking system.

Lender of last resort

Dec 21, 2011
The ECB offers a historic $639 billion to 500 European banks.

European banks' overwhelming response to ECB plan

Dec 21, 2011
The news that more banks than expected are putting a hand out for help from the European Central Bank had markets on a roller coaster today.

Ex-Bank of England member: Central bank action an ominous sign

Dec 9, 2011
Markets breathed a sigh of relief last week as central banks around the world agreed to joint action to fight the European debt crisis. But according to someone on the front lines in 2008, this could mean things are worse than we know.
The European Central Bank is joining with other central banks to stop a credit crunch, but it could be a sign that there is more danger on the horizon.

All I want from for Christmas? A bazooka, please

Dec 8, 2011
Markets today were like a huffy kid who stomps off because Santa only brought him two out of the three of the gifts on his list. Santa is the European Central Bank.

ECB drops interest rates to 1 %

Dec 8, 2011
Economist Adolfo Laurenti discusses the rate cut and the role of the European Central Bank in Europe's future.

Why does the EU want U.S. dollars?

Dec 2, 2011
Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch explains why Europe needs dollars instead of euros as the EU tries to sort out its financial problems.
Europe needs U.S. dollars. Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch tells us why in our latest Whiteboard explainer.
Angela Kim/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

ECB actions similar to the Fed's in 2008

Dec 1, 2011
There is an ongoing effort to get the euro back to normal, and the crisis is looking more and more like the sub-prime mortgage crisis here in the U.S.

PODCAST: Super Mario II

Dec 1, 2011
Markets are finally smiling again following the news yesterday that coordinated action will be taken by the world's central banks to ease credit and increase liquidity. In Illinois, state lawmakers have rejected a bill that would have offered millions of dollars in tax breaks to keep the Chicago Mercantile Exchange from leaving the state. And some economists say long-term benefits help the unemployed avoid reality.
The President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi addresses the European Parliament in Brussels, on December 1, 2011.
Thierry Charlier/AFP/Getty Images

Markets react well to help from world's central banks

Dec 1, 2011
The Dow had its best day in almost three years yesterday following the news that central banks around the world would help ease the credit crunch.