EU looks to cap bankers' bonuses

Feb 28, 2013
EU officials have announced an agreement that would restrict the amount bankers can receive as as bonus.

Phew! U.S. can't join the euro

Feb 15, 2013
A look at America's debt and deficit trouble through the lens of European economic standards.

Europe's economy: Recovering or recoiling?

Jan 14, 2013
The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, had reassuring words this morning about the state of the European economy. But the latest economic numbers tell a different story.

What's up (in 2013), Europe?

Dec 28, 2012
A look at what's in store for the European debt crisis in 2013.

OECD report red flags weakening economy

Nov 27, 2012
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is reaching out to its members -- the rich governments of the world -- to shape up or risk a global economic calamity.

Can 'Super Mario' Draghi save the eurozone?

Sep 6, 2012
Investors in Europe are calling today "Super Thursday": the day when the head of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi rides to the rescue and saves the euro. Draghi is set to unveil his much-heralded plan to end the eurozone debt crisis.

Eurozone members wary of buying other countries' bonds

Aug 28, 2012
Several countries in the eurozone are preparing to borrow by selling bonds. Each nation in the bloc is becoming more wary of buying the debt of its neighbors.

For public good, not for profit.

Eurozone crisis hits Shell, other earnings

Jul 26, 2012
The crisis in the eurozone is hitting profits everywhere; Anglo-Dutch oil giant "Shell" is the latest. Shell says this morning earnings fell 13 percent compared to the same quarter last year. This follows a string of U.S. companies blaming Europe.

Europeans get vacation 'do-over'

Jul 6, 2012
In Europe, high courts have upheld workers' right to reclaim vacation days marred by illness or injury.

Why is Spain causing so much pain?

Jun 20, 2012
Spain's debt costs are rising and some fear the nation may soon need a full-scale bailout. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the big problem with Spain, using a housing analogy.
A euro coin with the Spanish flag in the background. Spain's debt costs are rising and some fear the nation may soon need a full-scale bailout. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the big problem with Spain, using a housing analogy.
Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images