With Greek elections done for now, what's next?

Jun 18, 2012
Looking ahead at what's to come for other eurozone countries and what's happening at the G20 summit.

Greek election means disaster averted, not resolved

Jun 18, 2012
What does the Greek election mean for the U.S. and have any lessons been learned as a result of the crisis?

Obama sends economic adviser to Europe

May 30, 2012
With borrowing costs spiking for Spain and Italy, the Obama administration has sent a top treasury official to Europe to encourage European leaders to take decisive action on their financial mess.

What happens if Greece defaults? A flow chart

May 24, 2012
If Greece ditches its austerity plan and defaults on its loans, how might that play out in the global economy? Follow our flow chart to find out.

France's new president meets Germany's leader

May 15, 2012
New French President Francois Hollande flew to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two differ over the eurozone’s best course.

New general election on the way in Greece

May 15, 2012
Political parties in Greece have failed to forge a coalition, meaning a new general election is on the way in Greece. Will the country keep to its budget promises that are a condition of the European bailout?

No more wagers on Greek exit

May 10, 2012
As an exodus in the European Union becomes more a sure thing, two of London's largest bookmakers shut down the markets for bets on Greece leaving the E.U. and the existence of the euro in a few years.

For public good, not for profit.

European debt crisis hasn't gone away

Apr 11, 2012
Recent turmoil in global markets is partly due to worries over Europe's debt crisis. Elections scheduled in France and Greece add to the uncertainty.

In Greece, new property tax sparks anger

Feb 17, 2012
The Greek government has introduced a new property tax so that it can increase revenue but many Greeks say it's unfair and unwise.

Greece's hard road ahead

Feb 9, 2012
With a $172 billion bailout in place, Greeks' futures are looking austere.