Stories Tagged as
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve to increase transparency
Scott Tong
Dec 12, 2011
The Federal Reserve is talking about being more upfront about its projections and its targets for short-term interest rates, and its view of the jobs picture, and inflation.
Fed hopes to clarify its actions to Americans
Scott Tong
Dec 12, 2011
The Federal Reserve's interest rate committee holds its last meeting of the year tomorrow. The Fed hopes to soon make its actions more easily understandable to individuals and business owners.
Borrowing Europe's debt troubles
Bob Moon
Dec 1, 2011
Is the U.S. borrowing trouble with the Federal Reserve's offer to swap dollars for shaky euros?
Central banks announce joint plan to avoid credit crunch
Heidi Moore
Nov 30, 2011
To increase liquidity, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are teaming up.
PODCAST: Central banks join forces
Mary Dooe
Nov 30, 2011
The European debt crisis spreads to American banks. The National Labor Relations Board could speed up the process for elections. In light of recent scandals, universities are taking a closer look at candidates before hiring them on. And the end of Napster has finally come.
The Fed, ECB team up to give banks more access to cash
Josh Brown
Nov 30, 2011
Central banks from around the world have reached a deal that they hope will increase liquidity and avoid global recession.
Throwing money at the problem
Nov 30, 2011
Six central banks, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, have announced a plan to inject dollars into the life support system keeping European banks alive. The move was meant to restore confidence in the global financial system.
For public good, not for profit.
Ben Bernanke in a Humvee: Why the Fed bailed out Europe
Heidi Moore
Nov 30, 2011
To better understand why central banks around the world today said they would "inject liquidity" into the global markets, you might imagine the global economy as a highway
Central banks unite to help Europe
Nov 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve and other major central banks take coordinated action to provide cheap dollars to European banks that face funding problems
Why the central banks stepped in
Heidi Moore
Nov 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve and other central banks announced today they were teaming up to increase liquidity in the global economy. What does this mean, and will it actually help the European debt crisis?