Musicians protest movie studios recording overseas

Jul 1, 2014
Professional musicians in the Los Angeles aren't happy.

Movies aimed at teenage girls bring box office bank

Jun 9, 2014
Is it time to shelve the idea that males aged 18-34 drive big blockbusters?

Those big summer sequels may stop, one day

May 29, 2014
Film critic Wesley Morris says the superheroes are tired.

Why the lights have dimmed on LA's film industry

Apr 23, 2014
Film and TV production flee LA for big tax subsidies in states like Georgia and New York.

The grittier side of Cannes -- Marché du Film

May 22, 2013
Beneath Cannes, far less prestigious films are bought and sold at a different conference.

Film unions buck labor's struggles

Apr 4, 2013
Film unions flex muscle in efforts to expand production tax credits

A fake film reminiscent of Argo, but with less noble intentions

Mar 22, 2013
The Oscar-winning film Argo is about a fake movie set up to rescue captured hostages. A fake movie in Britain was basically a tax fraud.

For public good, not for profit.