Why the box office went bust last weekend

Sep 10, 2012
Movies had their poorest showing since the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Hollywood looks to China for 3D movies

Aug 27, 2012
"The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Amazing Spiderman" are being released in China. Hollywood expects big audiences and big profits from offering the movies as a 3D experience there.

'Dark Knight Rises' hits economic inequality theme

Jul 18, 2012
The new Batman film is an action flick spiced with an undercurrent of economic inequality. Bruce Wayne, after all, is a one-percenter.

Comic-Con still a must-go for film industry

Jul 12, 2012
Movie studios aren't all screening new films, though. Some find the convention is a place to make deals without having a high profile.

'Hard Times' seen from post-war suburbia

Jul 9, 2012
The new HBO documentary, "Hard Times: Lost on Long Island," takes a look at unemployment in the U.S. from the birthplace of post-war suburbia.

Who pays for 3-D movie glasses?

May 23, 2012
The popularity of 3-D movies is growing. So is a battle over who should pay for them -- the studios or the theaters?

What makes a movie?

May 16, 2012
These days, a well-established brand can be as valuable as a screenplay. At least that's what the makers of the movie "Battleship" are hoping when the film version of the popular board game opens this weekend.
These days, a well-established brand can be as valuable as a screenplay. At least that's what the makers of the movie "Battleship" are hoping when the film version of the popular board game opens this weekend.
unloveablesteve / Creative Commons

For public good, not for profit.

Hollywood movies open abroad, then come home

May 4, 2012
"The Avengers" is expected to be a big hit this weekend. It’s already garnered more than $250 million overseas. Why didn’t it debut at home?

When a movie gets no promotion

Apr 19, 2012
It's one way to market a movie, but it doesn't seem like it's building for success. The forthcoming Miley Cyrus movie called "LOL," according to the L.A. Times, will have no marketing budget to speak of and will be released first in just seven cities.

For first time, movie streaming to beat viewing by DVD

Mar 26, 2012
But consumers forgoing discs for online distribution could be bad for the industry.