Drought creates crop uncertainty into next year

Dec 11, 2012
The Department of Agriculture's final report for 2012 says farm income increased despite the drought, because of high prices for crops that made it to market. But the drought is continuing into winter and could affect next year's harvests.

How the drought may dampen holiday dinner

Nov 23, 2012
The drought has already affected livestock feed prices. Holiday dinner shopping list prices may be next.

Interactive: How far will $35 go at the grocery store through the decades?

Oct 26, 2012
Weather, speculation, and the economy all impact food prices. So are you paying more for groceries today than in decades past? Find out with the Marketplace Grocery Shop Simulator.

Wholesale prices rise in August

Sep 13, 2012
The Federal Reserve wraps up its two day policy meeting today. It's expected to announce whether it will pump more stimulus money into the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, we just got inflation numbers for August. Wholesale prices increased 1.7 percent last month -- the biggest jump in three years.

Where food prices are heading

Sep 6, 2012
Global food prices are expected to rise in the long term as population grows, but a new study warns that severe weather events like this year's drought in the U.S. could spike prices higher suddenly.

U.N. official calls on nations to prevent global food crisis

Aug 27, 2012
A top U.N. official says countries like the U.S. will have to adjust their agricultural policies. But some say the leader's latest statement is too little, too late.

Lobster glut causing tension between Maine and Canada

Aug 10, 2012
Lobster prices are at rock bottom lows. And that's causing a cross-border fight between Maine lobstermen and Canadian ones. The Canadian lobstermen have been blocking their American counterparts from dropping off their catch at Canadian processing plants.

For public good, not for profit.

U.S. ag secretary on the drought's effect on food prices

Aug 9, 2012
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses what the drought will mean for farmers and food prices, and the administration's plans to try and help.

U.N. warns of possible food crisis

Aug 9, 2012
The world could face the worst food crisis in five years if countries like the U.S. start restricting exports of agricultural products. That's according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, which says bad weather is causing a spike in global food prices that could be made worse if countries stockpile.

Dismal forecast: The weather as an economic indicator

Jun 26, 2012
Farmers are suffering from unseasonably warm and dry weather this season, contributing to higher grain prices for farmers and soon higher food prices for consumers