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When in recession, fad diets reign

May 13, 2010
During the economic hardships in the 30s, exotic diets became all the rage. Diet book author Susan Yager says the same is true today. She explores the phenomenon and our obsession with losing weight with Stacey Vanek-Smith.
Susan Yager, author of "The Hundred Year Diet"

BP oil leak could hurt seafood demand

May 10, 2010
Alongside the gargantuan clean-up costs of the BP oil leak are the costs to the local seafood industry, which supplies more than 20% of the nation's seafood. The spill has a huge potential impact on demand. Sabri Ben-Achour reports.

McDonald's to use location-based media

May 7, 2010
Location-based applications are where it's at today -- software for your smartphone that allows users to share where they are. The business opportunities have not gone unnoticed. Jeff Tyler explains.

Will posting calorie labels help?

May 5, 2010
A requirement in the health care law requires restaurants to post nutrition information in plain sight. The theory is that will help us make better food choices. Professor Dan Ariely talks with Kai Ryssdal about how what seems simple isn't always so.

Uruguay conditions friendly for caviar

May 5, 2010
Although Russia is the traditional home of caviar, conditions are making it harder to raise sturgeon there. But one producer in Uruguay has proven its environment is one where caviar can prosper. Annie Murphy reports.

The modern moonshine movement

Apr 29, 2010
Moonshine is no longer confined to just Appalachia anymore. Hipsters and foodies around the U.S. are starting to acquire a taste for it, which is giving rise to a whole new industry of microdistillers. Anna Sale reports.

How the beverage industry's changed

Apr 22, 2010
Twenty-five years ago Coca-Cola launched a sweeter Coke as a direct challenge to Pepsi, but its launch was a disaster. President John Craven talks with Kai Ryssdal about whether corporate America has learned its lesson and if it's easier now to launch new products.

For public good, not for profit.

A push to reduce salt content in food

Apr 20, 2010
The Institute of Medicine has recommended that the FDA force a gradual cutback in how much salt is allowed to be processed in foods. Dr. Benjamin Jones, a flavor chemist at David Michael & Co., talks with Kai Ryssdal about how that might affect the taste in your favorite foods.

PA looks at loosening beer law

Apr 15, 2010
Pennsylvania has some of the strictest liquor laws in the U.S., with beer only available in whole cases at wholesalers or in bars and restaurants. But new proposals might loosen restrictions on beer sales. Joel Rose reports.

Maine closes last U.S. sardine cannery

Apr 15, 2010
Maine claims to have been the Sardine Capital of the World. But with Bumble Bee Foods closing the state's last sardine canning facility, the industry won't only disappear in Maine, but in the U.S. as well. Jill Barshay reports.