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KFC criticized for its paper packaging

Apr 8, 2010
A southern conservation group is running a national media campaign it's calling "Kentucky Fried Forest," focusing on where KFC gets it paper packaging. The group says the fast-food chain is destroying forests. Sarah Gardner reports.

Calorie displays don't scare Starbucks

Apr 7, 2010
Starbucks lobbied for lawmakers to require calorie displays at restaurants as part of the new health reform. After New York started requiring calories on menus, the coffee giant learned it could help business. Jill Barshay reports.

Breakfast: A big meal for food chains

Apr 5, 2010
Subway has joined the battle over the morning meal by introducing a breakfast menu. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports the restaurant is the latest fast-food chain to step up its morning game.

Squeezing the juice out of extra berries

Apr 5, 2010
Snag a great deal on strawberries lately? A good deal for you means a bad year for some farmers. Florida farmer Gary Wishnatzki talks with Kai Ryssdal about how cold weather has led to a flood of extra berries on the market and how his strawberry season is going.

Egg sellers are celebrating this Easter

Apr 2, 2010
So far, Easter looks like it'll bring in slightly more money for retailers than it did last year. Shoppers are snatching up all kinds of candies and food, including eggs. Jeremy Hobson reports.

The story behind tomatoes in the U.S.

Apr 1, 2010
The tomato is a ubiquitous culinary ingredient. Author Arthur Allen talks with Kai Ryssdal about his new book "Ripe," and how tomatoes get from the garden to your kitchen table.

Not all are sweet on sugary drink tax

Apr 1, 2010
Lawmakers are considering a national tax on sugary beverages which could bring in up to $15 billion a year. The beverage industry is fighting the move hard -- which indicates it has a good chance of happening. Jeremy Hobson reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Chutney, curry, samosas... mozzarella?

Mar 31, 2010
Americans have grown used to all sorts of things coming from India -- from computer support to software. But now, India could arrive on your kitchen table. And not in the form of curry. Elliot Hannon explains.

Brits are not hitting the booze

Mar 31, 2010
You would think that tough times would lead to a rise in alcohol consumption, but sales of wine spirits and beer in the U.K. fell by more than 6 percent last year -- the largest drop in almost 50 years. Stephen Beard reports.

Unlikely duo teams up for kosher, halal

Mar 30, 2010
As the second night of Passover approaches, Ari Daniel Shapiro reports on two meat distributors -- one Jewish, the other Muslim -- who have struck up a unique friendship to provide products to their customers that seek to redefine kosher and halal.