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Peanut shutdown a shell shock for town

Feb 11, 2009
The town of Blakely, Ga. once thrived as a mecca for the peanut industry. But with the closing of the local peanut processing plant due to a salmonella outbreak comes a questionable future. Dan Grech reports.

Farmers go low-tech to grow in winter

Feb 4, 2009
Farmers in Michigan are stretching their growing season -- and their profits -- into winter by using a relatively simple set-up called a hoop house. Lou Blouin reports.

American chef could heat up his career

Jan 28, 2009
Chefs from 24 countries try to out-cook each other in the Bocuse D'or, a huge competition held in France. This year, an American might win the top prize, which comes with a lot of prestige. Anita Elash reports.

Food vendors sell with personal touch

Jan 26, 2009
The recession hasn't stopped some entrepreneurs from breaking into the specialty food market. The Fancy Food Show in San Francisco was ripe with new companies marketing their products -- but not necessarily for huge profits. April Dembosky reports.

Restaurant week may not be enough

Jan 16, 2009
Restaurant week is an annual promotional event that lets New York City diners enjoy three-course meals at bargain prices. But will the spending continue once the week is done? Sally Herships reports consumers' appetites may not last.

Efficiently increasing food production

Jan 12, 2009
A study finds producing corn, soy, cotton and wheat has become more efficient over the last 20 years. Ashley Milne-Tyte explores how a less detrimental environmental impact could help increase food production later.

Less product, same price

Jan 8, 2009
Have you noticed there's less peanut butter in your jar? Some packaged goods companies have been reducing the weight of certain products and selling them for the same price. Sean Cole asks: Is it deceptive?

For public good, not for profit.

Eating green saves workplace green

Jan 5, 2009
Having a salad instead of a cheeseburger for lunch is a choice some companies want their employees to make. To promote healthy living and save money, companies are subsidizing the costs of more nutritious meals. Shia Levitt reports.

Can churches withstand the recession?

Jan 2, 2009
In the midst of recession, many churches and church charity programs stand to lose billions. But history shows that churches have stay power. Kate Archer Kent reports from a struggling church in Houston.

Cocoa market on fire in U.K.

Dec 24, 2008
The price of cocoa has been steadily rising in London as other commodities fall. Supply and demand are one reason, as is the need for that mug of hot cocoa or chocolate bar. Scott Jagow talks to Stephen Beard in London.