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Apple finds underage labor in its Chinese supply chain

Jan 25, 2013
The report on supplier responsibility from Apple indicates progress on working conditions and excessive overtime requirements at the tech giant's Chinese suppliers, including its largest supplier, Foxconn. But the report also revealed one supplier was employing child workers.

China's Foxconn worker riot and Iran's shadow Internet

Sep 25, 2012
With all this information technology at our disposal, it's striking how getting to the truth of a matter can still be so tough. Two tech stories from opposite sides of the world today remind us how even in 2012 the flow of information is still tightly controlled.

Foxconn factory shut down following riots

Sep 24, 2012
The company that makes Apple's iPhones and iPads in China has shut down one of its factories following a riot by workers.

Auditor says Foxconn is improving work conditions

Aug 21, 2012
Apple hired the Fair Labor Association six months ago to investigate work conditions at its biggest supplier. The FLA today reported big improvements.

Apple and Foxconn to share improvement costs

May 10, 2012
Tech giant Apple and its major supplier Foxconn say they will share the costs of better conditions for workers Chinese factories making Apple products.

How much do you make?

Apr 27, 2012
Marketplace's China correspondent Rob Schmitz discusses how Americans and Chinese differ when talking about personal finance.

The people behind your iPad: The bosses

Apr 12, 2012
Marketplace's Rob Schmitz was offered a rare glimpse into the world of Apple's usually secret supply chain. Here's the story of the people who help run Apple's Chinese producer, Foxconn.

For public good, not for profit.

VIDEO: Watch an iPad get made from the Foxconn factory floor

Apr 11, 2012
See what life is like for the workers who help assemble your Apple products in this exclusive video footage from the Foxconn factory floor in Shenzhen, China.

The people behind your iPad: The workers

Apr 11, 2012
What's life like for the thousands of workers who assemble your Apple products? Marketplace’s Rob Schmitz gained rare access to Apple’s production line at a Foxconn plant in China.

Inside Foxconn as iPads get made

Apr 9, 2012
Marketplace’s China correspondent travels where few have gone before and visits the production line.