Google close to settlement with FTC

Dec 18, 2012
Google's expected deal with the Federal Trade Commission would end an investigation into whether the search engine steered Internet users to its own site.

When recommendations pay off online

Oct 3, 2012
A growing group of websites lets you cash in on your opinion.

Google gets slammed with the biggest FTC fine ever

Aug 10, 2012
But will the smackdown change online tracking for Google or anyone else?

FTC proposes an update to ancient online law, COPPA

Aug 2, 2012
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act may get its first update since Mark Zuckerberg was a 15-year-old.

FTC punishes debt collector

Jan 31, 2012
After a landslide of complaints, the FTC cracks down on “past-statue” practices.

For public good, not for profit.

Facebook settles with FTC

Nov 30, 2011
It’s a well-covered story by now, of course, but in the interest of giving you a daily update on tech stories, Facebook officially announced terms of its settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. Wall Street Journal says: Facebook would be barred from making misrepresentations about the privacy of consumers’ personal information, and it must obtain […]

The FTC is bringing some changes to Facebook

Nov 14, 2011
The popular social networking platform is about to face some new restrictions by the Federal Trade Commission around privacy. We'll see if users 'like' them.