What Americans think about taxing the rich

Jul 12, 2012
President Obama is calling for renewing the Bush tax cuts, except for those making $250,000 a year and more. Gallup's Frank Newport on what people think about that proposal.

Americans react to Obama's immigration decision

Jun 21, 2012
Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and President Obama will both be speaking to Hispanic leaders at a gathering in Orlando this week. The speeches come just days after the Obama Administration announced it will ease immigration laws.

How your job shapes your vote for president

May 24, 2012
According to Gallup, what you do for a living, not how much money you make, may determine your vote in November.

Americans, employment and the 'Optimism Gap'

Apr 19, 2012
In just a little while, we'll hear the latest on how many people were forced to sign up for unemployment benefits. But how's the job market doing if you actually ask people?

How Americans feel about health care reform

Mar 29, 2012
Arguments for and against the legality of the Affordable Care Act wrapped up yesterday in the Supreme Court, and today, in our weekly Attitude Check, we look at how the average American feels about the law.

The view of the auto industry, then and now

Feb 23, 2012
The auto industry bailout continues to be a point of controversy among the general population of America, but the view of carmakers has made a bit of a comeback in the last few years.

Economic confidence lags from state to state

Feb 9, 2012
The national mood about the economy is one thing, but what states have the best, and worst, confidence about the direction of the economy?

For public good, not for profit.

Americans worried about home value

Feb 9, 2012
As a potential deal between states and big banks nears over abusive foreclosure practices, we check in with Gallup to see how worried homeowners are about the future.

Attitude Check: The State of the Union

Jan 19, 2012
As Americans await Obama's State of the Union address, are they feeling better about the economy than in 2011?

Attitude Check: The American Standard of Living

Jan 12, 2012
How do Americans feel about their standard of living today compared to this time in 2008?