China's consumers cautious about economy as top officials meet

Jul 15, 2024
Growth is being held back by weak domestic demand and a real estate crisis.
Customers are sparse at a newly opened coffee shop in central Shanghai.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

How trade-oriented is the U.S. economy?

Jul 10, 2024
Compared to many other countries, the U.S. trade-to-GDP ratio is below the global average. But the explanation is complicated.
The U.S. imports and exports hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of goods and services ever year, but international trade accounts for a relatively low percentage of GDP.
Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images

Breaking down Fed Chair Jay Powell's latest GDP report analysis

Jun 27, 2024
Powell is paying close attention to "final sales," a narrower measure than GDP itself that focuses on private sector demand.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell is taking aim at final sales following the latest GDP report.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

How cooling U.S. GDP growth affects the global economy

May 30, 2024
The annual expansion was revised down to 1.3%. That could indicate softening elsewhere, including trade partners like Canada and China.
When the U.S. economy isn’t doing very well and consumers second-guess their spending, major trading partners could feel the pinch.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

U.S. GDP grew by 1.6% in the first quarter, slower than expected

Apr 25, 2024
This marks the end of a six-quarter streak of GDP growth of 2% or more. But the downshift might not be cause for worry just yet.
The good news: consumer spending, the force that’s been buoying economic growth for months, still looks solid. The bad news: business leaders aren’t feeling quite as confident.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Steady GDP growth sets US apart from peer countries

Feb 28, 2024
The U.S. economy has been growing at a steady clip while many others are faltering.
Despite interest rate hikes to combat inflation, the U.S. economy has grown for six quarters in a row.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Biden administration moves forward with measuring nature's economic impact

Feb 2, 2024
At a recent ocean biodiversity summit, federal officials touted the plan to quantify the country’s natural assets and the services provided by healthy ecosystems, like tree canopies that can cool urban areas or kelp forests that prevent coastline erosion.
Go mountain biking and things like lodging and dining will be counted in GDP, but the fact that a pristine natural setting prompted that spending will not be.
GibsonPictures/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Who’s afraid of our $34 trillion national debt?

Jan 30, 2024
Our U.S. debt is bigger than our economic output. Consequences include ballooning interest payments and potential trust issues.
The U.S. national debt is about 120% of what the economy generates in a year. But is this cause for concern?
Win McNamee/Getty Images

What drove the strong growth in GDP at the end of 2023? Consumer spending.

Jan 25, 2024
Nostalgia, cold weather and an uptick in business travel have been good news for three Baltimore businesses.
The bump in GDP reflects increased consumer spending on goods and services.
LumiNola/Getty Images

Remittances grew again in 2023

Dec 19, 2023
Migrants around the world sent nearly $670 billion back to family members in their home countries. For some countries, remittances make up a quarter to a half of GDP.
A major reason remittances have grown in the past few years is that the U.S. economy has fared better since the onset of the pandemic compared to other countries.
Eva Marie Uzcategui/AFP via Getty Images