Persistence pays off again for L.A. gelato maker

Aug 3, 2023
Closing the two brick-and-mortar locations of Uli's Gelato was not an easy call, but networking helped Uli Nasibova create her next chapter.
"When the pandemic first started, your survival instincts kick in," says Uli Nasibova, owner of Uli’s Gelato. "Failure was not an option."
Nina Uemurasachi

Re-branding ... and re-discovering a love of gelato 

May 24, 2022
“Sometimes my husband jokes that I’m running a gelato non-profit, and it certainly does feel that way,” said Uli Nasibova, owner of Uli’s Gelato.
Jean Marie Biele

Making gelato e-commerce friendly is like starting a new business

Jun 18, 2021
Uli Nasibova of Uli's Gelato in Los Angeles, sees her future online, but getting there could mean some trial and error.
"I spent the first six or seven months creating an e-commerce solution for shipping my gelato, and the economics of that already aged," says Uli Nasibova, owner of Uli's Gelato.
Nina Uemurasachi