Solutions to AI image bias raise their own ethical questions

Oct 10, 2023
De-biasing artificial intelligence image generators pose questions around synthetic diversity, historical accuracy.
Text to image AI companies know that the pictures generated by their software are informed by images that are already available on the internet. But the best way to correct for that bias can gets complicated.
Getty Images

Chinese video game designers experiment with AI

Sep 13, 2023
China's video gaming sector is the first to feel the impact of generative artificial intelligence.
An AI-generated animation character by a Chinese video gaming firm in Chengdu city.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Chipmaker Nvidia steps into the spotlight as a barometer of the AI economy

Aug 21, 2023
It makes the chips at the heart of ChatGPT and other tools.
The valuation of Nvidia, whose products are crucial to artificial intelligence technology, has surpassed $1 trillion.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Chinese animation house puts AI capabilities to the test

Aug 21, 2023
Base Media and iQiyi see potential for a creative edge in a competitive market. But U.S. clients worry about copyright infringement.
A screenshot of an animation after AI tools were applied. The brick wall and background are generated by AI.
Courtesy Base Media/iQiyi Wonderworks

AI lessons from the telephone operators of the 1920s

Aug 17, 2023
In the early 20th century, thousands of young women worked as telephone switchboard operators. Automation changed that.
If you were a working woman in the early 20th century, there's a good chance you were a telephone operator — until mechanical switching took over the job.
-/AFP via Getty Images

What's AI gonna do with your money?

Aug 10, 2023
Many of the ChatGPT plugins or other financial AI tools seem designed to make advisers' jobs easier, not replace them. At least for now.
“I think we will get to the point where AI is saying you should invest in 'X,'” said Sarah Hoffman at the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology.
AndreyPopov/Getty Images

Artificial intelligence will impact workplaces and cost some workers their jobs

Jul 27, 2023
A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute says some will lose their jobs and low-wage workers are the most likely to be hit.
Lower-paid jobs, like those in food service, are more likely to disappear because of AI and automation. Some already have.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How will AI companies make money?

Jul 25, 2023
The consumer-facing AI apps like ChatGPT and Google's Bard have been dazzling users, but ultimately, the big money in AI will be helping businesses work more efficiently.
While you can currently use ChatGPT for free, the most powerful large language model behind it costs users $20 a month.
Olivier Morin/AFP via Getty Images

Could AI be used to sway federal rule-making?

Apr 17, 2023
Federal agencies often ask the public to weigh in on rules and their implementation. But how could programs like ChatGPT affect or influence that process?
George Washington University's Mark Febrizio argues that tech like ChatGPT could make it easier for more people to weigh in on policymaking.
Leon Neal/Getty Images