How more generics could relieve sky-high drug prices

Feb 4, 2016
More generics are needed to create competition — but can the FDA approve them fast enough?
With high drug prices, more generics are needed to create competition, but can the FDA is having a hard time keeping up.

Want to shop like a pro? Buy generic

Jul 25, 2014
A new study says chefs, pharmacists and other professionals prefer generic goods.

Rite Aid drug sales: The profit in generics

Dec 19, 2013
Generics have a 50 percent bigger markup in comparison with brand-name drugs.

Statin suggestion puts spotlight on generic drug business

Nov 13, 2013
New guidelines on the use of statins to lower cholesterol hold the promise to dramatically increase the number of Americans who take those drugs.

OxyContin's waiting game: Generic drug makers salivate while the FDA wants safer pills

Apr 16, 2013
OxyContin is supposed to come off patent and generic drug makers are excited. But, the FDA may put a stop to it all to wait for safer pills.

India Novartis patent ruling: Good for access, bad for innovation?

Apr 1, 2013
India's Supreme Court has rejected a patent filed by Swiss drug maker Novartis for its cancer drug. The decision has implications for the pharmaceutical industry and millions of people in poor countries.

Cheap generic drugs face possible legal liabilities

Mar 19, 2013
The Supreme Court will hear arguments on Tuesday in a case that could decide whether generic drug makers can be held liable for alleged flaws in the designs of their medications.

For public good, not for profit.

A warning about the price of generic drugs

Mar 8, 2013
Drug manufacturers can charge very different prices for essentially the same generic medicine.

Lipitor makes way for generics

Nov 29, 2011
Pfizer's blockbuster cholesterol drug loses patent protection December 1. It could have happened sooner.