Stories Tagged as
Gentrifying a public housing neighborhood
Feb 8, 2016
What if you could sell public housing land to developers of regular housing and stores?
New interest in area where black business once thrived
Feb 1, 2016
An overpass stands where businesses once stood; now residents are trying to get rid of it.
Oakland struggles to be the anti-San Francisco
Molly Wood
Jan 12, 2016
As the tech boom spreads to the East Bay, the city tries to maintain its character
Local Money: The changing face of Mid-Market, San Francisco
Oct 30, 2015
As part of our Local Money project, we spotlight how tax breaks changed a formerly rundown neighborhood in San Francisco.
York & Fig: Confessions of an ambivalent landlord
Krissy Clark
Sep 22, 2015
A real estate investor asks herself if she can be socially responsible in an up-and-coming neighborhood.
A satirical spin on gentrification in New York
Krissy Clark
Sep 21, 2015
Two ad guys pitch a message of gentrification at a store in Brooklyn.
For public good, not for profit.
York & Fig: How one lucky store beat the odds
Caitlin Esch
Sep 17, 2015
In this episode, a mom-and-pop shop, a magical bus tour and public policy.
How Detroit students experienced the city's bankruptcy
Adriene Hill
and Bridget Bodnar
Sep 9, 2015
The NYT video series looks high schoolers' optimism despite their surroundings.
London's luxury housing mirrors NYC's upscale push
Aug 26, 2015
Low income housing is being demolished for high-end developments.